Please browse this section filled with little nuggets of inspiration, empowering tools, checklists, videos, audio, etc., as free resources from me to you. There is no need to sign up to receive them; simply click on what you want, and it is yours. Easy and free.
If you want to stay informed when I add something to this section or any other news about me and my blog, I invite you to sign up because you want to, not because you have to. You can do so at the bottom of the page. Thank you, and I look forward to staying connected.

Pledge of commitment for a culture based on Dignity, Appreciation and Positivity
When every individual feels safe, respected, and appreciated, collectively, it creates a world and a workplace fuelled with creativity, commitment, efficiency, positivity, innovation, and results that serve the highest good of all. I feel very inspired by the pledge I wrote and would love for you, your family, and your workplace to join in. Click, read, and if you feel inspired as well, print it, sign it, and let us start a movement where we say yes to a world of Dignity, Appreciation and Positivity.
Best Practices and Checklists
In this section, you will find various documents, resources, checklists, and best practices, to make your life easier.
- Teleworking Best Practices – With the current situation, we all have to adapt, here are a few helpful tips to make your teleworking experiencing more enjoyable.
- Organizing Resources – Want to get organized, here are a few helpful tricks and book resources to get you started.
Personal Favorites and Share
In this section, I will share some of my personal favourites.
- My Favorite Books – A list of my recommended and favourite books.
- My Daily Mantra (Written) – I wrote a list of intentions in 2013, and it became my daily mantra since then. Please enjoy as is, or inspire you to write your own
- My Daily Mantra (Audio) – Please enjoy as a meditation, to give you a voice to ground and empower yourself, to soothe, or to spark some energy.
Videos (Interviews, Talks, Misc.)
I will share various videos from presentations, interviews, or personal videos. For additional videos, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel
Message of purpose and hope prepared my great friend Romeo Marquez Jr. and includes appearances from my friends from around the world. How many times do you see me?
TEDX Talk in India. The Power to Choose.
* Trigger Warning – Subject can be difficult for certain people.
W3 Event Invitation
Videos from CTV Morning Live Ottawa
I am a regular at CTV Morning Live as a Spokesperson for Professional Organizers in Canada. Here are a few videos. Please visit this page for additional segments.
CTV Morning Live: Caroline Rochon
Professional organizer Caroline Rochon has tips for avoiding digital overload.
CTV Morning Live : Spring organizing tips
Caroline Rochon shows how to sort and clear
CTV Morning Live
Professional organizer Caroline Rochon has tips for staying organized this summer