
Ignites the best out of people

Feeling inspired awakens a new sense of possibilities, it allows us to create hope between the “now” and the “where we would like to be”. Everyone loves to be around inspiring people because it ignites something special in us. Have you ever thought of being a source of inspiration? Caroline’s motto is to be inspired and to be an inspiration.

“Be inspired” is about being curious about others. It is about being interested in someone instead of trying to be interesting. Be inspired is about listening to someone with an open mind, and an open heart. It is about understanding that everyone has a story, and is a hero in it. Being inspired is about seeing the potential, seeing the vision, seeing the greater good. “Being an inspiration” means that your actions, your words, and your intentions are congruent. People look at how you flow with grace through life’s ups and downs. They look at what you do and ask themselves how they can be, do, have, more of that in their life. Being an inspiration is about positively influence your surrounding.

As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

Caroline’s Inspiration training and presentations are based on her life’s experiences, and the knowledge and wisdom she has collected over the years. Her stories connected with practical and useful concepts inspire people to take action in their own lives and surrounding. Caroline inspires the best out of everyone.

Albert Schweitzer

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
— Albert Schweitzer

What you gain

Learning Outcomes and Benefits

  • Inspired people are more creative
  • Inspired people are more engaged
  • Inspired people are more productive
  • Inspired people inspire the best in other people
  • Inspired people are opened to possibilities
  • Inspired people take actions
  • Inspired people care about making a difference
  • Inspired people are generous
  • Inspired people increase wellness
  • Inspired people take chances and have higher self-esteem

Learning Outcomes and Benefits

  • Creating a self-care plan for the workplace
  • Bringing kindness back in the workplace
  • Choosing -We have the Power to Choose
  • Releasing the fear to surpass your limits
  • Transforming Words and Vocabulary
  • Decluttering your beliefs, your space, your relationships

“Choose to praise or choose to criticize. Choose to encourage or choose to discourage. Choose to focus on strengths or choose to focus on weaknesses”

Kevin Hall

Caroline Rochon at a TEDx conference

Assessment Tools

Caroline has been inspiring people of all walks of life through her presentations, her training sessions, her books, her media appearances, and in her everyday life. Need to infuse inspiration in your event or organization? Caroline can adapt to meet your theme or your goal…. give her a call!

be inspired to take action
Inspiration ignites the best out of yourself and other people. Inspired or uninspired, it’s your choice.
Let's work together
DISC Behavioral Studies build strong relationships
Appreciation Goes a long way
Transformation Creates lasting changes
Inspiration Ignites the best out of people
Organization Buys you freedom